What's New Pussycat?: February 2024
What’s New Pussycat? February 2025 Since we—my lovely family and I—moved from Salt Lake City to Southern Vermont a few years ago the number of used books that follow me home has slackened somewhat; which isn’t saying I’ve become chaste with my book acquisitions but rather small-town Vermont has fewer books sitting around waiting for me than the city had. One of my favorite places for used books is the Rutland City Free Library’s Friends of the Library book sale held on the second Friday and Saturday of each month. The stock turns over nicely—there is always something new in the rotation—and in the more than two years I’ve been going, I have never been turned out empty handed. And I’ve found more than a few treasures. February’s sale was held this past weekend, the 14 th and 15 th , and (of course) I attended both days because that’s how I roll. My take was five books; well, four books and a box filled with four small paperbacks wit...