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Review: "Split Image" by Ron Faust

  Split Image by Ron Faust Forge, 1997   Split Image , which is Ron Faust’s tenth published novel, is best read cold and this review is loaded with spoilers. Read ahead at your own peril but rest assured it is fantastic. But if you insist… “It occurred to me—and this was my first conscious thought upon ‘awakening’—that the crows did not object to the carnage. Of course not. They were scavengers and were impatiently waiting their opportunity. Even so, I could not entirely dispel the notion that they were judging me—small black magistrates, feathery clerics.” This idea is Andrew Neville’s—a failed playwright with three early critical successes and nothing since, now making his living as an editor of a corporate newsletter. On a whim he travels to a primitive hunting cabin in the woods of northern Wisconsin. It is autumn, and deer are in season. Andrew takes an old bow from the cabin without any expectations of killing a deer, but when a

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